Tuesday, June 5, 2012


A Bicycle Pump
                  "The volume of a dry gas varies inversely with the pressure exerted on it, provided the temperature remains constant."
            As the air particles inside a bicycle pump are compressed, the air particles are crowded together. In smaller volume, more collisions occur, and the air pressure increases. This example explains the "BOYLE'S LAW".

A Pencil
           "If there is no net force acting on a     body, it will continue in it's rest or will continue moving along  straight line with uniform speed." 
        This pencil lying on the floor has relatively little mass and therefore little inertia. You can produce acceleration easily by pushing it with your hand. This example explains Newton's First Law of Motion known as the "LAW OF INERTIA". 

A Book and A Table
             "When one body exerts a force on another, the second body exerts on the first a force of equal magnitude in the opposite direction". 
               This book resting on the top of a level table. The book exerts a downward force against the table. The table top exerts an upward force on the book. These forces are equal in magnitude and opposite direction. This example explains Newton's Third Law of Motion known as "LAW OF INTERACTION".

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